NÜRNBERGER Beteiligungs-AG


NÜRNBERGER Beteiligungs-AG Price to Book Ratio (P/B) on January 14, 2025: 0.53

NÜRNBERGER Beteiligungs-AG Price to Book Ratio (P/B) is 0.53 on January 14, 2025, a -32.80% change year over year. Price to book ratio compares the stock price to the book value per share; above 1 indicates market values company more than its book value.
  • NÜRNBERGER Beteiligungs-AG 52-week high Price to Book Ratio (P/B) is 0.79 on April 15, 2024, which is 51.08% above the current Price to Book Ratio (P/B).
  • NÜRNBERGER Beteiligungs-AG 52-week low Price to Book Ratio (P/B) is 0.52 on January 13, 2025, which is -0.17% below the current Price to Book Ratio (P/B).
  • NÜRNBERGER Beteiligungs-AG average Price to Book Ratio (P/B) for the last 52 weeks is 0.70.
Key data
Date Price to Book Ratio (P/B) Dividend Yield Free Cash Flow Yield Price to Earnings Ratio (P/E)
Market news

NÜRNBERGER Beteiligungs-AG

CEO Mr. Harald Rosenberger
IPO Date April 23, 1999
Location Germany
Headquarters Ostendstrasse 100
Employees 4,200
Sector Finance

NÜRNBERGER Beteiligungs-AG operates as an insurance company in Germany. The company offers car, motorcycle, oldtimerversicherung, long-term care, protection, life, and pension insurance products; personal, pet owners, home and property owners, watersports, principal's, civil, and waters damage liability, as well as hunting insurance products; and content, homeowners, shell, house and wohnungsschutzbrief, and household glass insurance products. It also provides inshape, seeing and hearing, dental, travel, alternative medicine, around protection, hospitalization, sickness allowance, and private health insurance products; and musical instrument, horse transport, sport boat, luggage, security, valuables, and event insurance products. In addition, the company offers disability, dread disease, and accident insurance products; insurance products for kids and teens, and owners and employees; and invalidity and subsidy insurance products. Further, it provides glass, commercial building, and building services insurance products; building services breakdown, electronics, and photovoltaic insurance products; property damage and IT liability, and D & O insurance products; and intellectual property legal insurance products. Additionally, the company offers transportation, cargo, fleet, and carrier's liability, as well as car insurance products for car wholesalers and electricians; and multi-risk, exhibition, and business insurance products. It serves business customers in the pharmacy, construction, funeral home, heliwesen, wholesale, manufacturing, hotels, restaurants, agriculture, forestry, food trade, crafts, beauty, horse-holding facilities, IT service, and related trades industries, as well as operator of renewable energy plants, medium-sized enterprises, shippers, carriers, organizers, and chamber professions; and private customers. The company was founded in 1884 and is based in Nuremberg, Germany.

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StockViz Staff

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