Simplex Infrastructures Limited


Simplex Infrastructures Limited Price to Book Ratio (P/B) on January 14, 2025: 7.52

Simplex Infrastructures Limited Price to Book Ratio (P/B) is 7.52 on January 14, 2025, a 370.68% change year over year. Price to book ratio compares the stock price to the book value per share; above 1 indicates market values company more than its book value.
  • Simplex Infrastructures Limited 52-week high Price to Book Ratio (P/B) is 8.29 on December 17, 2024, which is 10.25% above the current Price to Book Ratio (P/B).
  • Simplex Infrastructures Limited 52-week low Price to Book Ratio (P/B) is 1.44 on January 23, 2024, which is -80.89% below the current Price to Book Ratio (P/B).
  • Simplex Infrastructures Limited average Price to Book Ratio (P/B) for the last 52 weeks is 4.16.
Key data
Date Price to Book Ratio (P/B) Dividend Yield Free Cash Flow Yield Price to Earnings Ratio (P/E)
Market news

Simplex Infrastructures Limited

CEO Mr. Sukumar Dutta
IPO Date March 9, 2004
Location India
Headquarters 12/1, Nellie Sengupta Sarani
Employees 846
Sector Industrials

Simplex Infrastructures Limited provides construction and engineering services for the piling, energy and power, building and housing, marine, roads and highways, railways, urban infrastructure, real estate, and other sectors in India and internationally. The company builds rail infrastructure, including rail tracks, station buildings, bridges, and culverts; and designs and constructs high-rise infrastructure, such as multi-storeyed residential towers, institutional/IT buildings, hotels, hospitals, and mass housing projects. It also builds industrial structures comprising steel and power plants; and undertakes projects for cement, aluminum, copper, engineering, automobiles, petrochemicals, fertilizers, paper textiles, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and other industrial plants. In addition, the company engages in erecting various types of power infrastructures that include thermal, hydel, and nuclear, as well as ultra-mega power projects; underwater piling, which comprise steel piling; and building bridges across rivers. Further, it undertakes ground engineering projects, including pre-cast piling and jointed piling, cast-in-situ, driven, and bored piling, as well as soil investigation, soil compaction, diaphragm walls, grouting, stone columns, etc. Additionally, the company offers airport renovation and modernization; and oil drilling services, as well as engages in the equipment hire business activities. Simplex Infrastructures Limited was incorporated in 1924 and is based in Kolkata, India.

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