Bank of Montreal


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Bank of Montreal Income Statement 1994 - 2023

This table shows the Income Statement for Bank of Montreal going from 1994 until 2023. The income statement, also known as the profit and loss statement, is a financial statement that provides a summary of a company's revenues, expenses, and net income over a specific period (such as a quarter or a year). It shows the company's ability to generate revenue, manage expenses, and ultimately determine its profitability.
Income Statement Trend Unit 2023-10-31 2022-10-31 2021-10-31 2020-10-31 2019-10-31 2018-10-31 2017-12-31 2017-10-31 2016-12-31 2016-10-31 2015-12-31 2015-10-31 2014-12-31 2014-10-31 2013-10-31 2012-10-31 2011-10-31 2010-10-31 2009-10-31 2008-10-31 2007-10-31 2006-10-31 2005-10-31 2004-10-31 2003-10-31 2002-10-31 2001-10-31 2000-10-31 1999-10-31 1998-10-31 1997-10-31 1996-10-31 1995-10-31 1994-10-31
M 33,055 26,259 26,909 25,025 25,332 22,870 52,274 21,874 57,094 20,947 42,827 19,389 58,770 16,718 16,263 16,130 13,718 12,210 11,064 10,204 9,349 9,840 9,839 9,473 9,119 8,752 8,721 8,529 7,790 7,142 7,058 6,119 5,582 5,129
Cost of Revenue
M - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,041 3,089 3,345 3,499 3,357 5,236 7,151 8,749 5,273 3,285 2,159 2,586 2,537 4,509 5,140 - - - - - -
Gross Profit
M 33,055 26,259 26,909 25,025 25,332 22,870 0 21,874 0 20,947 0 19,389 0 16,718 16,263 16,130 13,718 12,210 11,064 10,204 9,349 9,840 9,839 9,473 9,119 8,752 8,721 8,529 7,790 7,142 7,058 6,119 5,582 5,129
Operating Expenses
M 27,204 -2,639 16,651 18,677 18,060 6,322 - 9,404 - 10,594 - 9,688 - 6,958 6,363 6,240 5,699 5,470 4,057 -1,366 -3,966 -1,708 1,187 2,380 2,578 2,604 -1,752 -4,415 -3,223 -5,109 -2,544 -2,688 -2,570 -235
Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses (SG&A)
M 13,454 8,112 9,721 9,652 11,132 8,811 37,774 9,005 43,212 8,925 31,123 8,335 42,689 6,242 5,827 6,466 5,817 5,360 4,959 3,975 3,825 3,824 3,745 3,632 3,578 3,403 3,212 3,064 2,820 2,574 2,535 2,210 1,999 1,795
Research and Development (R&D) Expenses
M - - - - 0 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - -
Other Operating Expenses
M - - - - 6,928 -2,489 - 399 - 1,669 - 1,353 - 716 536 -226 -118 110 -902 -5,342 -7,791 -5,532 -2,559 -1,252 -1,000 -799 -4,964 -7,479 - - - - - -
Costs and Expenses
M - - - - -18,060 -6,322 0 -9,404 0 -10,594 0 -9,688 0 -9,999 -9,452 -9,585 -9,198 -8,827 -9,293 -5,785 -4,783 -3,565 -4,472 -4,539 -5,164 -5,142 -2,757 -725 - - - - - -
Operating Income
M 5,851 28,898 10,258 6,348 7,272 16,548 - 12,470 - 10,353 - 9,701 - 9,760 9,900 9,890 8,019 6,740 7,007 11,570 13,315 11,548 8,653 7,093 6,541 6,148 10,473 12,944 11,013 12,251 9,602 8,807 8,152 5,364
Interest Expense
M 36,893 11,012 5,577 9,344 13,264 9,138 0 5,826 0 4,630 0 4,395 0 4,580 4,588 4,837 3,836 3,243 5,003 9,663 10,995 8,168 5,377 3,734 4,027 4,307 8,500 10,099 8,895 10,097 7,457 6,882 6,504 3,979
Non-operating Income/Expense
M 12 -11,012 10,010 6,187 -13,264 -9,138 - -5,824 - -4,621 - -4,360 - -4,524 -4,523 -4,763 -3,763 -3,169 -4,927 -9,663 -10,920 -8,092 -5,377 -3,734 -4,027 -4,307 -8,500 -10,099 -8,895 -10,097 -7,457 -6,882 -6,504 -3,979
M 5,863 17,886 10,258 6,348 7,272 7,410 7,609 6,646 4,804 5,732 2,423 5,341 2,747 5,236 5,377 5,127 4,256 3,571 2,080 1,907 2,395 3,456 3,275 3,359 2,514 1,841 1,973 2,845 2,118 2,154 2,145 1,925 1,648 1,385
Income Tax Provision
M 1,486 4,349 2,504 1,251 1,514 1,960 2,338 1,296 2,130 1,101 1,014 936 410 903 1,129 938 917 687 217 -71 189 717 875 1,008 688 424 502 988 736 804 840 757 662 560
Income after Tax
M 4,377 13,537 7,754 5,097 5,758 5,450 5,271 5,350 2,674 4,631 1,409 4,405 2,337 4,333 4,248 4,189 3,339 2,884 1,863 1,978 2,206 2,739 2,401 2,351 1,825 1,417 1,471 1,857 1,382 1,350 1,305 1,168 986 825
Non-Controlling Interest
M 343 231 244 247 211 181 0 197 0 159 0 -3,109 0 156 -3,895 -3,981 -3,123 -2,632 -1,546 -1,571 -2,212 -2,346 -2,006 -1,860 -1,321 -859 -876 -1,153 - - - - - -
Net Income
M 4,034 13,306 7,510 4,850 5,547 5,269 5,150 5,153 2,549 4,472 1,268 4,253 2,202 3,690 3,895 3,981 3,123 2,632 1,546 1,571 2,212 2,346 2,006 1,860 1,321 859 876 1,153 - - - - - -
Shares (Basic, Weighted)
M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shares (Diluted, Weighted)
R 710,515,000.00 665,707,000.00 648,676,000.00 642,128,000.00 640,360,000.00 644,913,000.00 - 675,252,525.00 - 667,919,075.00 - 647,162,000.00 - 648,475,000.00 649,806,000.00 669,105,691.00 593,555,000.00 563,125,000.00 542,313,000.00 506,697,000.00 508,614,000.00 511,173,000.00 510,845,000.00 515,045,000.00 507,009,000.00 499,256,056.00 523,249,085.00 540,312,566.00 535,505,445.00 529,986,040.00 528,877,011.00 520,820,000.00 531,264,000.00 508,105,919.00
M 7,950 30,282 11,683 7,769 8,477 17,451 - 13,346 - 11,181 - 10,490 - 10,507 10,612 10,593 8,554 7,210 7,479 12,006 13,751 11,952 9,124 7,563 7,032 6,643 10,997 13,433 11,506 12,652 10,035 9,106 8,428 5,588
Depreciation and Amortization
M 2,099 1,480 1,565 1,421 1,205 1,127 - 485 - 444 - 789 - 747 712 339 1,797 470 472 435 436 404 471 469 491 495 524 489 493 401 433 300 276 224
M 5,851 28,802 10,118 6,348 7,272 16,324 14,500 12,861 13,881 10,737 11,704 9,701 16,080 9,760 9,900 10,254 6,757 6,740 7,007 11,570 13,315 11,548 8,653 7,093 6,541 6,148 10,473 12,944 11,013 12,251 9,602 8,807 8,152 5,364
Income from Discontinued Operations
M - - - - 0 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - -
Tax Rate (Effective)
% 25.35 24.32 24.41 19.71 20.82 26.45 30.73 19.50 44.34 19.21 41.85 17.52 14.93 17.25 21.00 18.30 21.55 19.24 10.43 -3.72 7.89 20.75 26.71 30.02 27.39 23.01 25.42 34.74 34.75 37.32 39.16 39.33 40.17 40.43
Earnings Per Share (EPS), Basic
M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Earnings Per Share (EPS), Diluted
M 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - -
Gross Profit Margin
% 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Operating Income Margin
% 17.70 110.05 38.12 25.37 28.71 72.36 - 57.01 - 49.42 - 50.03 - 58.38 60.87 61.31 58.46 55.20 63.33 113.39 142.42 117.36 87.94 74.88 71.73 70.24 120.09 151.77 141.38 171.54 136.04 143.92 146.04 104.58
Net Income Margin
% 12.20 50.67 27.91 19.38 21.90 23.04 9.85 23.56 4.46 21.35 2.96 21.94 3.75 22.07 23.95 24.68 22.77 21.56 13.98 15.40 23.66 23.84 20.38 19.63 14.49 9.81 10.04 13.52 - - - - - -
% 24.05 115.32 43.42 31.04 33.46 76.31 - 61.01 - 53.38 - 54.10 - 62.85 65.25 65.67 62.36 59.05 67.60 117.65 147.09 121.46 92.73 79.83 77.11 75.90 126.10 157.50 147.71 177.15 142.18 148.82 150.98 108.95
EBIT Ratio
% 17.70 109.68 37.60 25.37 28.71 71.38 27.74 58.80 24.31 51.26 27.33 50.03 27.36 58.38 60.87 63.57 49.26 55.20 63.33 113.39 142.42 117.36 87.94 74.88 71.73 70.24 120.09 151.77 141.38 171.54 136.04 143.92 146.04 104.58
EBT Ratio
% 17.74 68.11 38.12 25.37 28.71 32.40 14.56 30.38 8.41 27.36 5.66 27.55 4.67 31.32 33.06 31.79 31.02 29.25 18.80 18.69 25.62 35.12 33.29 35.46 27.56 21.04 22.62 33.36 27.19 30.16 30.39 31.46 29.52 27.00

StockViz Staff

September 20, 2024

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