Energizer Holdings Inc


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Energizer Holdings Inc Balance Sheet 2012 - 2024

This table shows the Balance Sheet for Energizer Holdings Inc going from 2012 until 2024. The balance sheet is a financial statement that presents the financial position of a company at a specific point in time, typically at the end of a fiscal period. It consists of three main components: assets (such as cash, inventory, property, and investments), liabilities (including debts, loans, and obligations), and shareholders' equity (the residual interest in the company's assets after deducting liabilities). The balance sheet provides insights into a company's liquidity, solvency, and overall financial health.
Balance Sheet Trend Unit 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30 2022-06-30 2022-03-31 2021-12-31 2021-09-30 2021-06-30 2021-03-31 2020-12-31 2020-09-30 2020-06-30 2020-03-31 2019-12-31 2019-09-30 2019-06-30 2019-03-31 2018-12-31 2018-09-30 2018-06-30 2018-03-31 2017-12-31 2017-09-30 2017-06-30 2017-03-31 2016-12-31 2016-09-30 2016-06-30 2016-03-31 2015-12-31 2015-09-30 2015-06-30 2015-03-31 2014-12-31 2014-09-30 2014-06-30 2014-03-31 2013-12-31 2013-09-30 2013-06-30 2013-03-31 2012-12-31
M 158 242 223 202 194 280 205 200 213 221 239 208 261 306 460 596 278 294 259 206 333 607 522 511 490 454 378 404 372 298 287 567 576 556 502 83 90 93 90 - - - 78 - - -
Short-Term Investments
M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - -
Cash and Short-Term Investments
M 158 242 223 202 194 280 205 200 213 221 239 208 261 306 460 596 278 294 259 206 333 607 522 511 490 454 378 404 372 298 287 567 576 556 502 83 90 93 90 - - - - - - -
M 397 438 512 385 357 364 422 346 336 370 293 397 377 336 292 395 401 431 340 341 398 255 230 193 165 257 230 210 205 277 191 145 178 259 240 212 175 269 273 - - - - - - -
M 666 641 650 765 747 755 772 902 854 756 728 691 600 523 511 519 471 436 469 524 491 290 323 308 293 276 317 301 278 232 289 232 218 209 276 276 272 264 292 - - - 328 - - -
Other Current Assets
M 33 34 172 216 191 203 191 193 191 203 179 13 13 176 158 13 19 11 177 196 9 12 96 25 100 4 95 4 3 6 122 118 1 4 6 9 12 10 13 - - - 89 - - -
Current Assets
M 1,358 1,471 1,557 1,568 1,488 1,602 1,590 1,641 1,594 1,550 1,440 1,414 1,357 1,340 2,211 1,618 1,266 2,068 2,037 2,075 2,178 1,209 1,171 1,091 1,048 1,039 1,020 981 923 875 890 1,063 1,043 1,086 1,127 661 626 713 747 - - - - - - -
Property, Plant, Equipment (Net)
M 479 481 462 449 450 457 462 473 493 491 495 488 482 488 474 468 439 441 362 361 364 163 167 167 172 172 177 178 182 189 202 197 203 199 206 218 217 221 213 - - - - - - -
M 1,022 1,024 1,016 1,023 1,020 1,016 1,003 1,035 1,049 1,053 1,054 1,058 1,058 1,056 1,016 1,009 1,009 1,023 1,005 1,062 1,012 244 244 230 231 230 230 230 229 229 230 37 38 38 38 39 38 37 37 - - - 37 - - -
Intangible Assets
M 1,209 1,224 1,238 1,253 1,267 1,282 1,296 1,838 1,841 1,856 1,871 1,887 1,903 1,918 1,909 1,923 1,934 1,946 1,959 1,922 1,937 229 233 214 218 221 224 226 229 231 235 78 78 77 76 78 78 79 80 - - - 37 - - -
Goodwill and Intangible Assets
M 2,231 2,248 2,254 2,276 2,287 2,298 2,299 2,873 2,889 2,910 2,925 2,946 2,960 2,974 2,925 2,932 2,943 2,969 2,964 2,985 2,949 473 477 444 449 451 454 456 458 460 464 114 115 115 114 116 116 116 117 - - - 74 - - -
Tangible Assets
M - - -2,043 -2,109 -2,138 -2,167 -2,168 -2,373 -2,428 -2,500 -2,569 -2,605 -2,616 -2,645 -2,616 -2,546 -2,570 -2,381 -2,420 -2,414 -2,304 -403 -452 -396 -404 -417 -369 -369 -391 -443 -494 -117 -125 -147 -175 -413 - - 607 - - - - - - -
Long-Term Investments
M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Investments
M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Long-Term Assets (Other)
M 127 132 149 145 145 159 159 176 162 135 126 106 113 101 94 86 83 66 64 104 101 2,536 1,327 69 71 68 125 120 122 118 112 60 60 57 69 47 35 43 42 - - - - - - -
Total Long-Term Assets
M 2,929 2,953 2,953 2,937 2,948 2,976 2,982 3,542 3,566 3,560 3,568 3,563 3,580 3,589 3,517 3,508 3,486 3,499 3,413 3,502 3,464 3,207 2,008 714 725 725 803 799 805 808 842 534 541 531 503 456 444 449 448 - - - - - - -
Total Assets
M 4,287 4,424 4,510 4,505 4,436 4,578 4,572 5,183 5,160 5,110 5,008 4,977 4,938 4,929 5,728 5,127 4,753 5,567 5,450 5,578 5,642 4,416 3,179 1,805 1,772 1,764 1,824 1,780 1,728 1,683 1,732 1,597 1,584 1,618 1,630 1,117 1,070 1,162 1,195 - - - 1,239 - - -
Accounts Payable
M 362 375 371 381 329 353 329 373 383 420 455 408 368 390 378 322 281 289 299 308 291 232 229 194 167 191 219 182 168 182 217 162 147 156 167 144 149 153 191 - - - 179 - - -
Short-Term Debt
M 31 32 38 34 31 29 35 89 31 213 135 133 122 27 862 313 291 114 34 53 20 339 251 179 151 115 108 112 88 33 61 13 14 14 8 4 - - 8 - - - - - - -
Current Revenue (Deferred)
M 174 207 - - - - - - - - - 154 167 - - 186 145 233 - - 201 121 - 121 - 127 - 122 117 143 - - 131 175 171 139 - - - - - - - - - -
Other Current Liabilities
M 101 111 326 311 277 316 334 311 324 383 357 137 123 361 409 164 176 509 737 744 505 140 271 106 234 114 255 89 99 101 255 232 108 102 122 58 175 180 190 - - - 216 - - -
Current Liabilities
M 668 724 734 726 637 697 698 773 739 1,016 946 832 779 778 1,648 984 893 1,145 1,069 1,106 1,016 832 751 599 552 547 582 505 471 458 533 407 400 447 468 345 324 333 380 - - - 395 - - -
Long-Term Debt
M 3,226 3,303 3,332 3,377 3,415 3,507 3,468 3,545 3,593 3,318 3,333 3,356 3,352 3,345 3,307 3,253 3,011 3,384 3,416 3,493 3,557 975 976 977 977 978 979 979 980 981 982 982 983 984 995 995 - - 984 - - - - - - -
Non-Current Liabilities (Other)
M 33 45 136 219 220 227 52 170 265 273 178 71 74 326 324 331 302 275 51 408 424 2,538 1,427 181 198 206 178 209 210 226 247 210 211 220 227 74 - - - - - - - - - -
Total Non-Current Liabilities
M 3,428 3,529 3,565 3,612 3,651 3,750 3,744 3,910 3,960 3,685 3,705 3,805 3,814 3,822 3,771 3,756 3,486 3,834 3,837 3,901 3,981 3,514 2,403 1,158 1,175 1,184 1,157 1,188 1,190 1,207 1,228 1,193 1,194 1,203 1,222 1,069 79 92 90 - - - - - - -
Total Liabilities
M 4,096 4,253 4,299 4,338 4,288 4,447 4,442 4,683 4,699 4,701 4,652 4,637 4,593 4,600 5,419 4,741 4,379 4,979 4,906 5,007 4,997 4,346 3,154 1,757 1,728 1,730 1,739 1,693 1,661 1,665 1,762 1,600 1,595 1,650 1,690 1,414 403 425 470 - - - 501 - - -
Additional Paid-in Capital
M - - - 768 786 803 829 848 844 840 832 850 846 842 859 859 854 853 870 867 861 208 218 224 205 199 197 194 188 183 195 193 189 183 182 - - - - - - - - - - -
Common Stock (Net)
M - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 - - - - - - - - - -
Retained Earnings
M - - - -184 -216 -256 -305 59 28 31 -5 -64 -60 -25 -66 11 6 149 - 110 128 226 177 196 191 180 199 182 175 146 0 65 57 57 7 0 - - - - - - - - - -
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
M -156 -159 -138 -179 -184 -175 -145 -158 -162 -212 -230 -264 -261 -305 -308 -305 -307 -273 -298 -245 -228 -248 -242 -256 -234 -228 -239 -265 -272 -286 -266 -241 -235 -251 -249 -79 -74 -61 -32 - - - - - - -
Capital Lease Obligations
M 96 100 102 101 104 107 104 108 114 117 120 123 126 128 128 129 96 86 2 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shareholders' Equity
M 191 171 211 167 148 131 131 500 461 409 356 341 344 330 309 386 374 588 544 571 645 70 25 48 45 34 85 87 67 17 -30 -3 -10 -33 -60 -297 667 738 725 - - - 738 - - -
Shareholders' Equity and Liabilities
M 4,287 4,424 4,510 4,505 4,436 4,578 4,572 5,183 5,160 5,110 5,008 4,977 4,938 4,929 5,728 5,127 4,753 5,567 5,450 5,578 5,642 4,416 3,179 1,805 1,772 1,764 1,824 1,780 1,728 1,683 1,732 1,597 1,584 1,618 1,630 1,117 1,070 1,162 1,195 - - - - - - -
Treasury Stock
M - - - - - - -249 - - -251 -242 -182 -182 -182 -177 -180 -180 -142 -158 -161 -116 -117 -129 -118 -118 -118 -72 -25 -25 -26 -30 -21 -21 -22 0 0 - - - - - - - - - -
Shares (Common, Diluted)
M 73 73 73 73 72 72 71 72 72 67 73 69 68 74 69 69 70 70 69 71 67 61 61 61 61 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 62 62 63 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63
Shareholders' Equity (Tangible)
M - - -2,042 -2,109 -2,138 -2,166 -2,168 -2,372 -2,427 -2,499 -2,569 -2,604 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Net Debt
M - - - 3,613 3,639 3,815 3,739 3,834 3,837 3,752 3,707 3,697 3,735 3,677 4,628 4,161 3,580 3,791 3,754 3,753 3,910 1,922 1,750 1,666 1,619 1,547 1,465 1,496 1,440 1,312 1,330 1,563 1,573 1,554 1,505 1,082 - - - - - - - - - -
Total Debt
M 3,257 3,336 3,370 3,411 3,445 3,535 3,502 3,634 3,624 3,531 3,468 3,489 3,474 3,372 4,169 3,565 3,302 3,497 3,450 3,546 3,577 1,315 1,227 1,155 1,129 1,092 1,087 1,092 1,067 1,014 1,043 996 997 998 1,003 999 - - 993 - - - - - - -
Current Part of Long-Term Debt
M 13 14 20 17 14 12 18 73 13 195 117 115 104 10 845 297 275 97 32 52 18 64 4 4 4 4 4 1,092 88 33 4 13 14 - 3 - - - 8 - - - - - - -

StockViz Staff

September 19, 2024

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