Royal Bank of Canada


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Royal Bank of Canada Balance Sheet 1993 - 2023

This table shows the Balance Sheet for Royal Bank of Canada going from 1993 until 2023. The balance sheet is a financial statement that presents the financial position of a company at a specific point in time, typically at the end of a fiscal period. It consists of three main components: assets (such as cash, inventory, property, and investments), liabilities (including debts, loans, and obligations), and shareholders' equity (the residual interest in the company's assets after deducting liabilities). The balance sheet provides insights into a company's liquidity, solvency, and overall financial health.
Balance Sheet Trend Unit 2023-10-31 2022-10-31 2021-10-31 2020-10-31 2019-10-31 2018-10-31 2017-12-31 2017-10-31 2017-09-30 2017-03-31 2016-12-31 2016-10-31 2016-09-30 2016-03-31 2015-12-31 2015-10-31 2015-09-30 2015-03-31 2014-10-31 2013-10-31 2012-10-31 2011-10-31 2010-10-31 2009-10-31 2008-10-31 2007-10-31 2006-10-31 2005-10-31 2004-10-31 2003-10-31 2002-10-31 2001-10-31 2000-10-31 1999-10-31 1998-10-31 1997-10-31 1996-10-31 1995-10-31 1994-10-31 1993-10-31
M 133,075 180,408 193,484 157,901 64,655 66,680 6 61,069 82,765 127,621 7 42,780 76,707 114,839 1 35,142 69,078 85,470 25,820 24,931 22,872 25,428 22,582 17,276 31,127 16,106 14,903 10,237 9,978 17,554 21,324 17,535 19,606 23,042 16,395 21,586 23,692 17,710 16,449 10,874
Short-Term Investments
M 78,929 60,188 37,541 139,743 102,470 94,608 - 90,722 - - - 110,052 - - - 56,805 - - 77,850 71,159 67,366 70,878 69,440 70,040 71,830 51,867 32,449 40,797 32,776 38,592 35,030 32,476 24,277 - - - - - - -
Cash and Short-Term Investments
M 212,004 240,596 231,025 297,644 167,125 141,274 - 170,492 - - - 153,138 - - - 121,333 - - 103,893 96,263 91,234 96,306 92,022 87,316 102,957 67,973 47,352 10,237 9,978 17,554 21,324 17,535 19,606 23,042 16,395 21,586 23,692 17,710 16,449 10,874
M 29,869 26,239 22,533 18,630 19,731 15,012 453 10,586 5,593 10,963 426 10,079 7,615 12,136 611 9,551 6,730 12,402 9,301 8,377 9,248 6,610 7,596 6,646 14,436 6,656 5,401 3,650 0 0 0 0 0 - 2,650 - - - - 1,264
M -875,627 -867,388 -786,396 -768,579 0 0 48 0 - - 52 0 - - 43 0 - - 134,357 138,072 120,856 145,332 147,200 129,928 101,038 157,057 131,169 106,423 73,011 62,014 43,845 36,629 28,254 - - - - - - -
Other Current Assets
M 875,627 867,388 786,396 768,579 1,037,961 936,240 247 794,552 - - 388 761,692 - - 301 712,625 - - 613,807 559,533 550,020 456,731 420,589 361,350 419,685 338,530 290,781 288,818 283,625 261,254 254,511 0 0 - - - - - - -
Current Assets
M 241,873 266,835 253,558 316,274 186,856 156,286 755 181,078 - - 873 163,217 - - 956 130,884 - - 113,194 104,640 100,482 102,916 99,618 93,962 117,393 74,629 52,753 13,887 9,978 17,554 21,324 17,535 19,606 23,042 19,045 21,586 23,692 17,710 16,449 12,138
Property, Plant, Equipment (Net)
M 6,749 7,214 7,424 7,934 3,191 2,832 - 2,670 - - - 2,836 - - - 2,728 - - 2,684 2,659 2,691 2,490 2,503 2,367 3,260 2,131 1,818 1,709 1,756 1,670 1,653 1,601 1,215 1,274 1,872 1,696 1,785 1,870 1,975 2,057
M 12,594 12,277 10,854 11,302 11,236 11,137 - 10,977 - - - 11,156 - - - 9,289 - - 8,647 8,361 7,485 7,703 8,064 8,368 9,977 4,752 4,304 3,557 3,610 3,511 3,234 3,117 455 - - - - - - -
Intangible Assets
M 5,907 6,083 4,471 4,752 4,674 4,687 - 4,507 9,143 - - 4,648 8,970 - - 2,814 8,128 - 2,775 2,796 2,686 2,115 1,930 2,033 1,254 628 642 3,903 4,037 3,951 3,661 3,507 592 - - - - - - -
Goodwill and Intangible Assets
M 18,501 18,360 15,325 16,054 15,910 15,824 - 15,484 - - - 15,804 - - - 12,103 - - 11,422 11,157 10,171 9,818 9,994 10,401 11,231 5,380 4,946 7,460 7,647 7,462 6,895 6,624 1,047 - - - - - - -
Tangible Assets
M - 82,386 76,658 64,665 61,906 57,728 3,587 51,932 38,947 25,037 3,470 48,500 35,506 24,025 3,141 8,914 29,160 22,579 33,011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - -
Long-Term Investments
M 410,231 318,934 285,378 280,759 251,735 225,281 - 221,367 623,835 230,488 - 237,996 594,381 225,029 - 11,337 529,872 237,599 42,658 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - -
Total Investments
M 489,160 379,122 322,919 420,502 354,205 319,889 - 312,089 - - - 348,048 - - - 68,142 - - 120,508 71,159 67,366 70,878 69,440 70,040 71,830 51,867 32,449 40,797 32,776 38,592 35,030 32,476 24,277 - - - - - - -
Long-Term Assets (Other)
M -2,446 -1,472 -2,011 -2,579 -268,105 -242,208 - -237,223 - - - -255,349 - - - -230,699 - - -213,549 -196,646 -174,598 -192,055 -205,983 -199,677 -186,781 -187,187 -193,246 -166,815 -135,594 -124,225 -101,121 -87,646 -80,684 -74,942 -43,822 -34,733 -45,275 -34,575 -29,670 -31,986
Total Long-Term Assets
M 435,481 344,508 308,127 299,802 268,105 242,208 - 237,223 - - - 255,349 - - - 230,699 - - 213,549 196,646 174,598 192,055 205,983 199,677 186,781 187,187 193,246 166,815 135,594 124,225 101,121 87,646 80,684 74,942 43,822 34,733 45,275 34,575 29,670 31,986
Total Assets
M 2,004,992 1,917,219 1,706,323 1,624,548 1,428,935 1,334,734 10,630 1,212,853 668,426 384,565 10,035 1,180,258 642,201 365,587 9,593 1,074,208 570,338 348,411 940,550 860,819 825,100 751,702 726,206 654,989 723,859 600,346 536,780 469,521 429,197 403,033 376,956 359,260 294,054 273,298 274,399 244,774 218,075 183,652 173,079 164,941
Accounts Payable
M 20,600 17,285 10,506 9,463 8,335 7,832 519 6,006 17,431 32,139 458 5,740 14,229 24,150 612 5,659 13,533 24,199 6,197 10,612 9,842 8,056 7,368 8,474 14,864 2,908 2,556 262,352 225,624 198,853 158,570 146,942 133,265 - 2,116 - - - - 2,069
Short-Term Debt
M 112,048 142,952 99,499 80,642 99,403 88,684 354 77,036 - 158,296 328 65,116 - 132,170 92 84,583 - 107,395 57,274 0 0 179 46,597 3,295 5,402 3,784 3,929 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 123 - - - - -
Current Revenue (Deferred)
M 3,830 3,660 3,518 2,945 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -35,901 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other Current Liabilities
M -3,830 -4,314 -3,518 -2,945 -107,738 -96,516 219 -83,042 418,683 10,166 223 -70,856 392,628 19,778 233 -90,242 333,800 10,176 -6,197 -10,612 -9,842 -8,235 -9,032 -11,769 -20,266 -6,692 -6,485 2,916 2,368 2,012 1,451 0 0 - -2,239 - - - - -2,069
Current Liabilities
M 132,648 159,583 110,005 90,105 107,738 96,516 1,093 83,042 - - 1,008 70,856 - - 936 90,242 - - 6,197 10,612 9,842 8,235 9,032 11,769 20,266 6,692 6,485 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 2,239 - - - - 2,069
Long-Term Debt
M 323,123 12,267 33,271 23,153 9,815 9,131 2,759 9,265 19,911 141,122 2,516 9,762 27,607 143,291 2,764 7,362 33,922 158,842 6,975 7,998 8,520 7,752 7,291 7,288 7,861 8,089 7,560 8,096 6,966 4,987 4,466 4,130 3,798 - - - - - - -
Non-Current Liabilities (Other)
M - - - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Non-Current Liabilities
M 331,490 159,583 209,141 12,864 12,460 96,516 - 83,042 - - - 70,856 - - - 90,242 - - 6,197 10,612 9,842 8,235 9,032 11,769 20,266 6,692 6,485 447,429 408,583 382,270 356,704 6,313 5,825 4,596 2,239 4,227 3,627 3,534 3,477 2,069
Total Liabilities
M 1,887,232 1,809,044 1,607,561 1,537,781 1,345,310 1,254,779 6,927 1,138,425 620,335 359,527 6,448 1,108,646 597,724 341,563 6,336 1,010,264 533,050 325,833 886,047 810,484 779,072 708,054 684,999 616,012 690,730 574,424 512,585 447,429 408,583 382,270 356,704 6,313 5,825 4,596 262,008 4,227 3,627 3,534 3,477 156,925
Additional Paid-in Capital
M - - - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Common Stock (Net)
M - - - 17,628 17,587 17,617 - 17,703 - - - 17,859 - - - 14,573 - - 14,511 14,377 0 14,017 13,378 13,075 10,384 7,300 7,196 7,170 6,989 7,018 0 0 0 - - - - - - -
Retained Earnings
M - - - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - -
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
M 6,852 5,725 2,533 3,414 4,248 4,823 - 4,354 - - - -4,450 - - - 38 - - 71 42 861 -1,617 -2,099 -1,716 -2,358 -3,207 -2,004 -1,774 -1,556 0 0 0 -91 -123 - - - - - -
Capital Lease Obligations
M 4,764 5,110 5,077 5,357 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shareholders' Equity
M 117,661 108,064 98,667 86,664 83,523 79,861 3,587 73,829 48,090 25,037 3,470 71,017 44,476 24,025 3,141 62,146 37,288 22,579 52,690 48,540 44,267 41,707 38,951 36,906 30,758 24,439 22,420 19,848 18,204 18,375 18,783 18,164 13,297 12,408 11,892 10,390 10,337 9,032 8,589 7,930
Shareholders' Equity and Liabilities
M 2,004,992 1,917,219 1,706,323 1,624,548 1,428,935 1,334,734 - 1,212,853 - - - 1,180,258 - - - 1,074,208 - - 940,550 860,819 825,100 751,702 726,206 654,989 723,859 600,346 536,780 469,521 429,197 403,033 376,956 359,260 294,054 273,298 274,399 244,774 218,075 183,652 173,079 164,941
Treasury Stock
M - - -73 -129 -58 -18 - 0 - - - 0 - - - 38 - - 0 0 0 0 -82 -90 -90 -113 -162 -184 -284 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - -
Shares (Common, Diluted)
M 1,393 1,406 1,427 1,429 1,441 1,450 - 1,474 - - - 1,494 - - - 1,450 - - 1,452 1,467 1,468 1,471 1,434 1,412 1,320 1,289 1,300 1,305 1,311 1,321 1,358 1,294 1,220 1,265 1,252 1,257 1,254 1,255 1,251 1,270
Shareholders' Equity (Tangible)
M - 107,027 101,109 88,241 85,257 81,669 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Net Debt
M - 400,925 368,872 406,796 276,343 239,089 - 256,793 - - - 228,016 - - - 213,278 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Debt
M 435,171 155,219 132,770 103,795 109,218 97,815 3,114 86,301 - 299,418 2,844 74,878 - 275,461 2,856 91,945 - 266,237 64,250 7,998 8,520 7,931 53,888 10,583 13,263 11,873 11,489 8,096 6,966 4,987 4,466 4,130 3,798 - - - - - - -
Current Part of Long-Term Debt
M 111,395 142,298 98,868 80,009 11,139 10,134 354 8,795 - 158,296 328 4,101 - 132,170 92 16,659 - 107,395 57,274 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - -

StockViz Staff

September 19, 2024

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