Yum China Holdings Inc


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Yum China Holdings Inc Income Statement 2014 - 2024

This table shows the Income Statement for Yum China Holdings Inc going from 2014 until 2024. The income statement, also known as the profit and loss statement, is a financial statement that provides a summary of a company's revenues, expenses, and net income over a specific period (such as a quarter or a year). It shows the company's ability to generate revenue, manage expenses, and ultimately determine its profitability.
Income Statement Trend Unit 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30 2022-06-30 2022-03-31 2021-12-31 2021-09-30 2021-06-30 2021-03-31 2020-12-31 2020-09-30 2020-06-30 2020-03-31 2019-12-31 2019-09-30 2019-06-30 2019-03-31 2018-12-31 2018-09-30 2018-06-30 2018-03-31 2017-12-31 2017-09-30 2017-06-30 2017-03-31 2016-12-31 2016-09-30 2016-06-30 2016-05-31 2016-03-31 2015-12-31 2015-06-30 2014-12-31
M 2,958 2,493 2,914 2,654 2,917 2,088 2,685 2,128 2,668 2,291 2,554 2,451 2,557 2,259 2,348 1,902 1,754 2,029 2,319 2,124 2,304 1,914 2,212 2,068 2,221 1,872 2,130 1,841 1,926 1,978 1,883 1,883 1,588 1,588 2,048 1,969 6,934
Cost of Revenue
M 2,415 2,184 2,393 2,206 2,310 1,844 2,166 1,850 2,282 2,085 2,225 2,055 2,082 1,898 1,905 1,637 1,556 1,761 1,911 1,813 1,890 1,679 1,829 1,757 1,835 1,639 1,755 1,542 1,549 1,744 1,512 1,512 1,379 1,379 1,729 1,637 5,687
Gross Profit
M 543 309 521 448 607 244 519 278 386 206 329 396 475 361 443 265 198 268 408 311 414 235 383 311 386 233 375 299 377 234 371 371 209 209 1,235 332 1,247
Operating Expenses
M 140 165 169 153 163 164 203 165 129 -427 151 163 133 181 -113 137 101 174 108 107 111 151 114 118 -9 186 111 128 81 176 85 97 103 122 948 77 849
Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses (SG&A)
M 140 153 169 153 163 145 157 141 151 156 142 136 130 140 127 113 99 147 117 109 114 122 119 101 114 156 123 118 98 153 101 101 - 104 179 90 443
Research and Development (R&D) Expenses
M - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 - - 5 0 5
Other Operating Expenses
M - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 -5 17 -123 25 -12 10 -17 18 -16 -4 - - 764 -13 401
Costs and Expenses
M -2,275 -2,019 -2,224 -2,053 -2,147 -1,674 -1,991 -1,691 -2,114 -1,905 -2,066 -1,906 -1,941 -1,739 -1,763 -1,511 -1,447 -1,597 -1,785 -1,698 -1,771 -1,545 -1,704 -1,649 -1,717 -1,472 -1,624 -1,421 -1,448 -1,598 -1,415 -1,415 103 -1,276 4,654 -1,550 778
Operating Income
M 403 144 352 295 444 80 316 113 257 633 178 233 342 180 556 128 97 94 300 204 303 84 269 193 395 47 264 171 296 58 286 274 106 87 287 255 398
Interest Expense
M - - - - 26 3 25 14 12 13 16 16 15 15 11 8 9 10 10 10 9 8 10 10 8 9 8 4 0 4 3 0 - 2 0 2 0
Non-operating Income/Expense
M 17 -6 13 -9 -7 -27 10 2 -91 596 -31 -6 -4 7 293 34 1 14 30 25 18 -44 11 -10 127 -19 20 -7 20 -9 12 12 - -19 -30 10 -452
M 420 138 365 286 437 80 326 115 166 635 155 257 345 224 605 181 98 128 322 231 322 65 279 203 403 56 272 175 300 83 289 289 - 89 9 257 17
Income Tax Provision
M 113 33 100 72 124 24 97 31 55 159 44 64 102 63 155 45 32 34 87 46 93 -13 67 53 107 159 87 43 90 -7 87 87 16 16 38 65 54
Income after Tax
M 307 105 265 214 313 56 229 84 111 476 111 193 243 161 450 136 66 94 235 185 229 78 212 150 296 -103 185 132 210 90 202 202 - 73 -29 192 -37
Non-Controlling Interest
M - - 23 -30 24 5 21 0 10 1 7 12 13 10 11 4 4 4 12 7 7 4 9 7 8 237 -386 10 6 426 -192 10 - - 192 -64 -30
Net Income
M - - 244 244 289 53 206 83 100 475 104 181 230 151 439 132 62 90 223 178 222 74 203 143 288 192 211 211 107 88 192 192 - 145 136 64 -7
Shares (Basic, Weighted)
M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shares (Diluted, Weighted)
R 403,000,000.00 415,000,000.00 420,000,000.00 422,000,000.00 423,000,000.00 423,000,000.00 424,000,000.00 424,000,000.00 430,000,000.00 433,000,000.00 435,000,000.00 435,000,000.00 434,000,000.00 433,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 388,000,000.00 386,000,000.00 387,000,000.00 388,000,000.00 389,000,000.00 388,000,000.00 389,000,000.00 394,000,000.00 398,000,000.00 401,000,000.00 386,000,000.00 398,000,000.00 399,000,000.00 395,000,000.00 379,915,075.00 390,000,000.00 390,000,000.00 - 390,000,000.00 - 390,000,000.00 -
M 520 258 562 507 662 215 513 266 421 194 339 376 472 321 377 220 214 296 458 373 490 256 365 337 386 93 348 299 373 109 280 375 - 135 - 250 -
Depreciation and Amortization
M 117 114 210 212 218 135 197 153 164 136 128 124 128 123 113 105 109 194 189 190 194 102 108 117 118 108 105 100 96 51 -6 101 - 48 - -5 -
M 403 144 352 295 444 80 316 113 257 58 211 252 344 198 264 115 105 102 269 183 296 154 257 220 268 -15 243 199 277 58 286 274 106 87 526 255 469
Income from Discontinued Operations
M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0
Tax Rate (Effective)
% 26.90 23.91 27.40 25.17 28.38 30.00 29.75 26.96 33.13 25.04 28.39 24.90 29.57 28.13 25.62 24.86 32.65 26.56 27.02 19.91 28.88 -20.00 24.01 26.11 26.55 283.93 31.99 24.57 30.00 -8.43 30.10 30.10 - 17.98 422.22 25.29 317.65
Earnings Per Share (EPS), Basic
M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Earnings Per Share (EPS), Diluted
M - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 -
Gross Profit Margin
% 18.36 12.39 17.88 16.88 20.81 11.69 19.33 13.06 14.47 8.99 12.88 16.16 18.58 15.98 18.87 13.93 11.29 13.21 17.59 14.64 17.97 12.28 17.31 15.04 17.38 12.45 17.61 16.24 19.57 11.83 19.70 19.70 13.16 13.16 60.30 16.86 17.98
Operating Income Margin
% 13.62 5.78 12.08 11.12 15.22 3.83 11.77 5.31 9.63 27.63 6.97 9.51 13.38 7.97 23.68 6.73 5.53 4.63 12.94 9.60 13.15 4.39 12.16 9.33 17.78 2.51 12.39 9.29 15.37 2.93 15.19 14.55 6.68 5.48 14.01 12.95 5.74
Net Income Margin
% - - 8.37 9.19 9.91 2.54 7.67 3.90 3.75 20.73 4.07 7.38 8.99 6.68 18.70 6.94 3.53 4.44 9.62 8.38 9.64 3.87 9.18 6.91 12.97 10.26 9.91 11.46 5.56 4.45 10.20 10.20 - 9.13 6.64 3.25 -0.10
% 17.58 10.35 19.29 19.10 22.69 10.30 19.11 12.50 15.78 8.47 13.27 15.34 18.46 14.21 16.06 11.57 12.20 14.59 19.75 17.56 21.27 13.38 16.50 16.30 17.38 4.97 16.34 16.24 19.37 5.51 14.87 19.92 - 8.50 - 12.70 -
EBIT Ratio
% 13.62 5.78 12.08 11.12 15.22 3.83 11.77 5.31 9.63 2.53 8.26 10.28 13.45 8.76 11.24 6.05 5.99 5.03 11.60 8.62 12.85 8.05 11.62 10.64 12.07 -0.80 11.41 10.81 14.38 2.93 15.19 14.55 6.68 5.48 25.68 12.95 6.76
EBT Ratio
% 14.20 5.54 12.53 10.78 14.98 3.83 12.14 5.40 6.22 27.72 6.07 10.49 13.49 9.92 25.77 9.52 5.59 6.31 13.89 10.88 13.98 3.40 12.61 9.82 18.14 2.99 12.77 9.51 15.58 4.20 15.35 15.35 - 5.60 0.44 13.05 0.25

StockViz Staff

September 19, 2024

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