NewJersey Resources Corporation


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NewJersey Resources Corporation Income Statement 1985 - 2023

This table shows the Income Statement for NewJersey Resources Corporation going from 1985 until 2023. The income statement, also known as the profit and loss statement, is a financial statement that provides a summary of a company's revenues, expenses, and net income over a specific period (such as a quarter or a year). It shows the company's ability to generate revenue, manage expenses, and ultimately determine its profitability.
Income Statement Trend Unit 2023-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2020-09-30 2019-09-30 2018-09-30 2017-09-30 2016-09-30 2015-09-30 2014-09-30 2013-09-30 2012-09-30 2011-09-30 2010-09-30 2009-09-30 2008-09-30 2007-09-30 2006-09-30 2005-09-30 2004-09-30 2003-09-30 2002-09-30 2001-09-30 2000-09-30 1999-09-30 1998-09-30 1997-09-30 1996-09-30 1995-09-30 1994-09-30 1993-09-30 1992-09-30 1991-09-30 1990-09-30 1989-09-30 1988-09-30 1987-09-30 1986-09-30 1985-09-30
M 1,963 2,906 2,157 1,954 2,592 2,915 2,269 1,881 2,734 3,738 3,198 2,249 3,009 2,639 2,592 3,816 3,022 3,300 3,148 2,534 2,544 1,831 2,048 1,165 904 710 697 549 455 455 455 412 335 325 330 295 269 253 283
Cost of Revenue
M 1,353 2,311 1,719 1,583 2,301 2,542 1,930 1,561 2,295 3,355 2,886 2,012 2,551 2,168 2,245 3,323 2,622 2,910 2,780 2,213 2,238 1,566 1,783 920 670 484 466 328 251 - - - - - - - - - -
Gross Profit
M 610 595 438 371 291 373 338 320 439 383 312 236 459 472 347 494 400 390 368 320 306 265 266 245 234 227 231 221 204 455 - 412 335 325 330 295 269 253 283
Operating Expenses
M 203 189 150 142 137 177 171 152 190 182 153 128 316 284 299 292 273 243 230 193 185 161 166 151 147 143 149 142 128 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses (SG&A)
M 51 59 38 35 34 39 40 39 76 72 48 40 51 46 45 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Research and Development (R&D) Expenses
M - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other Operating Expenses
M - - - - - 138 131 113 115 110 105 87 264 238 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Costs and Expenses
M -1,149 -2,122 -1,569 -1,441 -2,164 -2,365 -1,759 -1,409 -2,105 -3,172 -2,733 -1,885 -2,235 -1,884 -1,946 -3,031 -2,349 -2,666 -2,551 -2,020 -2,054 -1,405 -1,617 -769 -523 -341 -317 -186 -123 - - - - - - - - - -
Operating Income
M 407 406 288 229 154 196 167 168 248 201 159 109 143 188 48 201 127 146 138 127 121 104 100 94 88 84 82 78 75 455 455 412 335 325 330 295 269 253 283
Interest Expense
M 123 86 79 68 47 46 45 31 28 25 24 21 20 21 21 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-operating Income/Expense
M 26 -64 -54 -44 -36 17 14 9 7 8 5 2 4 5 4 6 6 8 7 6 1 5 6 2 2 2 1 0 0 - - - - - - - - - -
M 310 343 234 185 118 167 137 146 227 183 140 90 127 172 31 182 106 129 125 118 108 93 87 77 70 67 62 57 52 - - - - - - - - - -
Income Tax Provision
M 49 76 33 36 -38 -54 18 24 60 52 36 8 38 65 8 68 40 50 49 46 42 36 33 29 25 23 21 19 16 -31 - -26 -12 -14 -17 -17 -11 -6 -10
Income after Tax
M 261 267 201 149 156 220 118 122 168 131 104 82 89 107 23 114 65 79 76 72 65 57 54 48 45 43 42 39 36 - - - - - - - - - -
Non-Controlling Interest
M 0 0 83 -14 0 -13 -14 -10 -13 -11 -10 -11 -12 -10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Net Income
M 265 275 118 194 170 233 132 132 181 142 115 93 101 117 27 114 65 79 76 72 65 57 54 48 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shares (Basic, Weighted)
M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shares (Diluted, Weighted)
R 97,627,000.00 96,488,000.00 96,560,000.00 95,103,000.00 89,616,000.00 88,315,000.00 87,144,000.00 86,731,000.00 86,265,000.00 84,922,000.00 83,628,000.00 83,264,000.00 83,136,000.00 83,260,000.00 84,930,000.00 84,352,000.00 84,225,000.00 84,243,000.00 84,250,000.00 92,353,548.00 65,194,684.00 81,504,000.00 80,401,500.00 80,199,000.00 80,928,000.00 80,523,000.00 81,152,828.00 81,357,687.00 79,069,782.00 78,602,367.00 78,602,367.00 64,143,154.00 61,745,446.00 60,249,060.00 50,845,697.00 43,070,670.00 36,459,596.00 32,576,155.00 31,635,032.00
M 586 558 424 360 257 299 263 249 316 261 211 152 178 215 79 234 158 174 166 156 157 135 130 129 117 112 108 105 104 455 31 412 335 325 330 295 269 253 283
Depreciation and Amortization
M 153 152 136 131 103 86 82 73 61 53 47 42 35 32 31 39 37 35 35 34 36 36 37 37 32 28 26 27 29 28 - - - - - - - - -
M 433 406 288 229 154 213 181 177 255 209 164 111 143 183 48 195 121 139 131 122 121 99 93 92 85 84 82 78 75 35 - - - - - - - - -
Income from Discontinued Operations
M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tax Rate (Effective)
% 15.89 22.22 14.20 19.71 -31.96 -32.28 13.43 16.15 26.28 28.28 25.40 8.59 29.63 37.58 26.98 37.41 38.18 38.92 39.05 39.10 39.36 38.72 38.00 37.80 36.16 35.08 33.39 32.58 31.07 - - - - - - - - - -
Earnings Per Share (EPS), Basic
M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Earnings Per Share (EPS), Diluted
M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gross Profit Margin
% 31.10 20.48 20.31 18.98 11.22 12.79 14.92 17.00 16.05 10.26 9.77 10.51 15.24 17.87 13.40 12.93 13.24 11.81 11.69 12.64 12.03 14.48 12.96 21.01 25.93 31.90 33.15 40.20 44.76 100.00 - 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Operating Income Margin
% 20.73 13.99 13.37 11.72 5.94 6.73 7.36 8.91 9.09 5.38 4.98 4.83 4.75 7.13 1.85 5.28 4.21 4.44 4.40 5.02 4.77 5.70 4.87 8.06 9.68 11.81 11.79 14.28 16.56 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Net Income Margin
% 13.49 9.46 5.47 9.93 6.54 8.01 5.82 7.00 6.62 3.80 3.59 4.13 3.37 4.45 1.05 2.98 2.16 2.38 2.42 2.82 2.57 3.10 2.62 4.12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% 29.85 19.20 19.68 18.43 9.91 10.24 11.61 13.26 11.57 6.99 6.61 6.78 5.92 8.15 3.06 6.14 5.22 5.27 5.28 6.15 6.18 7.38 6.35 11.04 12.97 15.78 15.56 19.11 22.92 100.00 6.71 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
EBIT Ratio
% 22.06 13.99 13.37 11.72 5.94 7.30 8.00 9.40 9.33 5.58 5.13 4.93 4.75 6.93 1.85 5.11 4.01 4.20 4.16 4.80 4.75 5.43 4.56 7.90 9.41 11.81 11.79 14.28 16.56 7.61 - - - - - - - - -
EBT Ratio
% 15.80 11.80 10.87 9.48 4.56 5.72 6.02 7.75 8.31 4.90 4.38 4.00 4.22 6.52 1.21 4.77 3.49 3.90 3.98 4.64 4.24 5.07 4.23 6.62 7.78 9.39 8.94 10.46 11.33 - - - - - - - - - -

StockViz Staff

September 20, 2024

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