Toronto Dominion Bank


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Toronto Dominion Bank Balance Sheet 1995 - 2023

This table shows the Balance Sheet for Toronto Dominion Bank going from 1995 until 2023. The balance sheet is a financial statement that presents the financial position of a company at a specific point in time, typically at the end of a fiscal period. It consists of three main components: assets (such as cash, inventory, property, and investments), liabilities (including debts, loans, and obligations), and shareholders' equity (the residual interest in the company's assets after deducting liabilities). The balance sheet provides insights into a company's liquidity, solvency, and overall financial health.
Balance Sheet Trend Unit 2023-10-31 2022-10-31 2021-10-31 2020-10-31 2019-10-31 2018-10-31 2017-10-31 2016-10-31 2015-10-31 2014-10-31 2013-10-31 2012-10-31 2011-10-31 2010-10-31 2009-10-31 2008-10-31 2007-10-31 2006-10-31 2005-10-31 2004-10-31 2003-10-31 2002-10-31 2001-10-31 2000-10-31 1999-10-31 1998-10-31 1997-10-31 1996-10-31 1995-10-31
M 105,069 145,850 165,893 170,594 30,446 35,455 55,156 57,621 45,637 46,554 32,164 25,128 24,111 21,710 21,517 17,946 16,536 10,782 13,418 9,038 7,719 6,537 5,945 4,187 6,226 3,079 7,587 5,216 4,332
Short-Term Investments
M 33,174 33,832 43,605 103,285 111,104 130,600 146,411 107,571 88,782 11,856 79,544 6,173 43,176 32,425 28,473 28,436 23,127 35,389 32,259 24,131 17,981 11,355 15,226 10,929 - - - - -
Cash and Short-Term Investments
M 138,243 179,682 209,498 273,879 141,550 53,967 76,219 92,750 76,422 58,410 50,457 43,718 67,287 54,135 49,990 46,382 39,663 10,782 13,418 9,038 7,719 6,537 5,945 4,187 6,226 3,079 7,587 5,216 4,332
M 54,627 40,325 45,559 33,951 20,575 26,940 29,971 17,436 21,996 18,219 17,829 439 245 15,037 12,042 15,923 15,822 11,899 13,375 11,489 11,489 0 0 0 4,050 5,655 - - -
M -598,474 -592,091 -585,033 -589,584 121 81 78 4 35 89,796 97,716 94,588 68,306 58,604 50,390 49,070 84,383 69,026 55,661 54,678 41,599 34,263 41,659 38,290 - - - - -
Other Current Assets
M 598,474 592,091 585,033 589,584 909,904 850,107 815,736 740,892 701,565 624,940 560,766 538,595 384,656 350,227 319,260 334,966 231,760 206,724 186,226 152,824 179,730 181,154 0 0 - - - - -
Current Assets
M 192,870 220,007 255,057 307,830 162,125 93,802 116,899 120,301 109,036 76,629 68,298 57,228 79,813 69,172 62,032 62,305 55,485 22,681 26,793 20,527 7,719 6,537 5,945 4,187 10,276 8,734 7,587 5,216 4,332
Property, Plant, Equipment (Net)
M 9,434 9,400 9,181 10,136 5,513 5,324 5,313 5,482 5,314 4,930 4,635 4,402 4,084 4,247 4,078 3,834 1,822 1,862 1,801 1,330 1,418 1,634 1,831 2,792 1,738 1,666 1,505 1,350 955
M 18,602 17,656 16,232 17,148 16,976 16,536 16,156 16,662 16,337 14,233 13,293 12,311 14,376 14,460 15,015 14,842 7,918 7,396 2,124 2,144 2,737 3 0 0 - - - - -
Intangible Assets
M 2,771 2,303 2,123 2,125 2,503 2,459 2,618 2,639 2,671 2,680 2,493 2,217 2,068 2,093 2,546 3,141 2,104 1,946 2,124 2,144 2,737 3 4,164 5,146 - - - - -
Goodwill and Intangible Assets
M 21,373 19,959 18,355 19,273 19,479 18,995 18,774 19,301 19,008 16,913 15,786 14,528 16,444 16,553 17,561 17,983 10,022 9,342 4,248 4,288 5,474 7 4,164 5,146 - - - - -
Tangible Assets
M 85,599 85,831 75,773 70,580 62,428 55,059 50,690 48,868 11,352 31,570 31,338 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - -
Long-Term Investments
M 531,280 562,881 504,317 504,743 407,460 381,746 333,508 302,597 45,264 115,642 560,020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - -
Total Investments
M 564,454 596,713 547,922 608,028 518,564 512,346 479,919 410,168 134,046 127,498 639,564 6,173 43,176 32,425 28,473 28,436 23,127 35,389 32,259 24,131 17,981 11,355 15,226 10,929 - - - - -
Long-Term Assets (Other)
M -3,960 -2,193 -2,265 -2,444 -286,452 -390,994 -346,360 -315,774 -293,772 -243,173 -233,468 -215,283 -221,891 -200,146 -175,927 -165,943 -134,879 -163,508 -152,190 -137,676 -86,083 -90,349 -105,642 -96,013 -71,740 -52,343 -34,927 -25,574 -23,036
Total Long-Term Assets
M 562,087 592,240 531,853 385,834 286,452 390,994 346,360 315,774 293,772 243,173 233,468 215,283 221,891 200,146 175,927 165,943 134,879 163,508 152,190 137,676 86,083 90,349 105,642 96,013 71,740 52,343 34,927 25,574 23,036
Total Assets
M 1,957,024 1,917,528 1,728,672 1,715,865 1,415,290 1,334,903 1,278,995 1,176,967 1,104,373 944,742 862,021 811,106 686,360 619,545 557,219 563,214 422,124 392,914 365,210 311,027 273,532 278,040 287,838 264,817 214,417 181,831 163,852 125,644 108,325
Accounts Payable
M 43,701 32,105 37,206 35,143 23,746 28,385 32,851 17,857 22,664 14,993 12,819 10,123 13,821 14,210 13,106 2,334 1,960 1,980 1,867 1,533 144,056 121,400 122,058 122,041 1,788 1,944 - - 1,427
Short-Term Debt
M 254,678 215,981 129,088 121,540 140,251 132,301 116,074 0 99,242 53,277 31,636 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 67 - - 3
Current Revenue (Deferred)
M - - - - - 173,168 159,885 - 131,472 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other Current Liabilities
M -298,379 -248,086 -166,294 -156,683 -163,997 -166,927 -154,405 5,361 -126,689 -14,993 28 -10,123 -13,821 -14,210 -13,106 -2,334 -1,960 -1,980 -1,867 -1,533 2,095 0 247,772 234,783 189,406 167,681 153,158 121,283 -
Current Liabilities
M 298,379 248,086 166,294 156,683 163,997 166,927 154,405 23,218 126,689 14,993 12,847 10,123 13,821 14,210 13,106 2,334 1,960 1,980 1,867 1,533 226,534 234,702 247,772 234,783 191,194 169,692 153,158 121,283 1,430
Long-Term Debt
M 151,701 53,886 51,599 16,354 10,725 8,740 9,528 10,891 8,637 6,910 9,203 13,576 11,505 12,677 12,827 11,444 11,545 7,744 4,218 4,609 4,343 2,640 2,911 3,193 - - - - -
Non-Current Liabilities (Other)
M - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Non-Current Liabilities
M 156,955 248,086 127,920 41,247 38,062 166,927 154,405 23,218 126,689 14,993 12,847 10,123 13,821 14,210 13,106 2,334 1,960 1,980 1,867 1,533 259,171 263,749 26,662 17,685 11,690 3,606 3,391 2,335 2,390
Total Liabilities
M 1,844,917 1,806,145 1,628,854 1,620,366 1,327,589 1,254,863 1,203,805 1,102,753 1,037,345 888,511 810,638 762,106 638,025 575,750 516,940 529,981 400,196 370,843 347,635 295,800 259,171 263,749 273,163 250,812 202,549 173,298 156,549 118,965 102,299
Additional Paid-in Capital
M - 179 173 121 157 193 214 203 214 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Common Stock (Net)
M - - - 22,487 27,629 26,270 25,719 25,283 23,159 22,162 22,736 22,116 18,417 20,339 15,357 13,241 6,577 6,334 5,872 3,373 3,179 2,846 2,259 2,060 2,006 1,301 1,297 1,305 -
Retained Earnings
M - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - -
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
M 2,750 1,988 7,097 13,437 10,581 6,639 8,006 11,834 10,209 4,936 3,159 3,645 536 1,005 1,015 -1,649 -1,671 -918 -695 -265 -121 836 -1,164 -1,216 -1,046 -975 -1,065 - -
Capital Lease Obligations
M 5,050 5,313 5,473 6,095 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shareholders' Equity
M 112,107 111,383 99,818 95,499 87,701 79,047 74,207 72,564 65,418 54,682 49,875 47,523 46,852 42,302 38,720 31,674 21,404 19,632 15,866 13,977 13,111 13,040 13,404 12,350 11,533 8,533 7,303 6,679 6,026
Shareholders' Equity and Liabilities
M 1,957,024 1,917,528 1,728,672 1,715,865 1,415,290 1,334,903 1,278,995 1,176,967 1,104,373 944,742 862,021 811,106 686,360 619,545 557,219 563,214 422,124 392,914 365,210 311,027 273,532 278,040 287,838 264,817 214,417 181,831 163,852 125,644 108,325
Treasury Stock
M - - -152 -37 -41 -144 -176 -31 -49 -49 -141 -167 -116 -91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - -
Shares (Common, Diluted)
M 1,824 1,814 1,820 1,809 1,827 1,840 1,855 1,857 1,854 1,845 1,845 1,830 3,612 1,744 1,700 1,551 1,451 1,446 1,394 1,319 1,308 1,294 1,254 1,243 1,199 1,179 1,191 1,185 1,219
Shareholders' Equity (Tangible)
M 121,886 121,447 104,539 98,717 89,941 81,280 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Net Debt
M - 454,862 395,658 417,868 292,526 195,008 201,821 103,641 184,301 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Debt
M 406,379 269,867 180,687 137,894 150,976 141,041 125,602 10,891 107,879 60,186 40,840 13,576 11,505 12,677 12,827 11,444 11,545 7,744 4,218 4,609 4,343 2,640 2,911 3,193 - - - - -
Current Part of Long-Term Debt
M 254,678 215,981 129,088 103,175 100,037 5,113 5,791 2,350 20,134 53,277 31,636 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - -

StockViz Staff

September 19, 2024

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